
Showing 4 of 4 articles
Published by |on 1 September, 2022

Following the newly issued Decree 58, 2022 dated 31 August 2022 on management of INGOs’ operation in Vietnam, INGOs in Vietnam have following responsibilities (Article 21): Register and operate, comply with the provisions of Vietnamese law. Coordinate with Vietnamese partner agencies in implementing activities according to the registered areas and fields specified in the Registration […]

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Decree 58/2022/ND-CP dated 31 August 2022 (Decree 58, 2022) replaces Decree 12/2012/ND-CP dated 1 March 2012 regulating registration and operation management of International Non-governmental Organisations (INGOs) in Vietnam. According Decree 58, 2022, INGOs in Vietnam have following rights: Enjoy benefits, tax incentives, import goods and work permits; Receive fund in either foreign currency or Vietnamese […]

Published by |on 24 June, 2022

As stated in the Building Bridge – Bread for the World, Issue No. 1, 2020 – an update for auditors auditing projects funded by Bread for the World, the “Related party transactions (RPTs) are a major source of fraud and misuse of funds in the NGO sector”. From our experiences in delivering the external audit […]

Published by |on 22 May, 2022

The property market in Vietnam has been amazingly developed in the past few years.  Individuals (including local and expatriates) buying apartments, and houses and then leasing them out under a standard lease agreement is getting more and more common in Vietnam. This practice raises tax implications for the rental income according to the current tax […]

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